Located at the Brookhaven old power plant constructed in 1890 the Goldbold Transportation Center is served by the City of New Orleans Amtrak passenger train.
Interesting Facts About the Godbold Train Center Brookhaven, Mississippi.
• Prior to the construction of the Union Station and freight house in central in 1907 and it’s placement on the National Register of Historic Places in 1980, Brookhaven was recognized as a railroad center between Mississippi Central, New Orleans, Illinois Central, Brookhaven and Pearl River, Natchez Railroad, Meridian, and Brookhaven.
• The railway station’s formerly used building located at South Whitworth Avenue today houses the Military Memorial Museum.
• Named after the former Mayor of Brookhaven, Bill Godbold, the Godbold Transportation Center was opened in 2011 as a replacement for a small shelter close to the old depot building previously used by Amtrak.
Brookhaven TrainCam
Located just 0.3 miles on 108 W Monticello Street (a 6 minute walk) south of the Brookhaven train station Brookhaven TrainCam located at the Perkins Building shows live video from downtown Brookhaven, MS of the Brookhaven railroad updated every few minutes via Brookhaven Weather.com.
View Brookhaven TrainCam webcam.